

Replace - Sustainability Report 2018

May 31, 2019
Announcement Title Annual Reports and Related Documents
Date & Time of Broadcast May 31, 2019 20:01
Status Replace
Report Type Sustainability Report
Announcement Reference SG190530OTHRAFY0
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Song Xingyi
Designation Non-Executive, Non-Independent Chairman
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below - Refer to the Online help for the format) This replacement announcement supersedes the announcement of the Company released on 30 May 2019 (Announcement Reference No. SG190530OTHRAFY0) relating to the Sustainability Report for the financial year ended 31 May 2018. Due to an inadvertent typographical error, Figure B: Headcount distribution by age on Page 8 of the Sustainability Report was incorrect. Save as aforesaid, the content of the announcement remains unchanged.

Please refer to the attached revised Sustainability Report of the Company.
Additional Details
Period Ended 31/05/2018


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