Bob Christoper Sinaga PFM, CPA
Vice President, Strategic Planning
- Bachelor's Degree of finance and accounting from Tarumanagara University
- Certified Professional Financial Modeller, issued by IFMI (International Financial Modelling Institute)
- Certified Public Accountant, issued by IAPI (Ikatan Akuntan Publik Indonesia)

Bob Christoper Sinaga, CPA, PFM has a solid experience in merger and acquisition, investment, valuation, financial modelling, audit, finance and accounting, taxation, business plan designer and partnership. He used to be senior team leader in Big 4 accounting and auditing firm in Ernst and Young and KPMG. Furthermore, he continued his career path as a strategic planner in PT Central Proteina Prima Tbk. group, a global leader in aquaculture in Indonesia and listed in stock exchange as well as the group member in energy and multi-finance industry. His experience of industry encompasses plantation, manufacturing, oil and gas, entertainment, telecommunication, hospitality and retail.